Suffice to say, I was exhausted when I got there. the highlight of my 10 hour flight (one of which was on the ground for de-icing before we left) was the fact that as soon as we took off, How I Met Your Mother came on. Not the usual B movie, but my favoritest show ever.
When I got to Amsterdam I hated my bags. I wish I had a lame wheely bag. Then I realized the carts were free and I was all, I love this cart. I made some friends at the airport, a gay guy from Boston, a black chick from Toronto and another girl from Boston.
The smoking room in the airport.
I could smell it before I saw it. it's literally a 10x10ft glass box, with vents attached to it, and somehow, there were about 50 desperate smokers squished into it. I decided that if that was what being a smoker came down to, I wanted no part of it. UNTIL my new friends convinced me. There were people rolling joints outside of the box, which I'm pretty sure isn't allowed in the airport but whatevs... And my new gay friend saved me when he offered me Febreeze afterwards which I wasn't opposed to spraying myself down with after we got out of "the box". Totally worth it.
So having hot boxed THE BOX in Amsterdam I was satisfied and decided to peruse the gift shops. It was pretty much the usual tulip crap, clogs, blue and white pottery that your mom probably has on a shelf somewhere, more clogs, stuff with windmills on it, stuff with pot leaves on it and then more clogs. So I saw this, which I believe to pretty much be the epitome of Amsterdam, Holland:
Today we went to the University of Abu Dhabi, the reason why my dad was here in the first place
I kno right? traveling is ROUGH. I have to explain something, today was my dad's first day driving, so we got lost. a LOT. On the plus side, we got a chance to see a lot of this desert-turned-city. Its true what they say, there's cranes everywhere, ridonculous buildings, palm trees, and sand as far as the eye can see. Luckily, we finally found the Baha Beach Resort. This is a 5 star resort, and I could tell from the valet, every door being opened for us, oh and the harp player that played non stop in the foyer the entire time we were there.

At sunset we heard the call to prayer...which also woke me up in the morning but sounds amazing. I sat at the beach and took this pic of the sunset.

We just came back from the Abu Dhabi Mall. It's JUST like any mall, you get used to seeing women fully covered pretty quickly, because there's people dressed like normal too, and yes, emo has found the middle east. I don't know if these kids KNOW that Pete Wentz' hairstyle isn't an everyday fashion...but whatever.
Oh and my new favorite thing? I dentifying well known brand names! in Arabic! yaaay! can you guess what this is?

hahaha the helmet. I mean come on!

As long as I have this stuff here I'm okay! (Those who know me well know I drink this ALL the time) :)
Um... HELMET = BURKA supposedly. ahahahaha.
HIMYM, 11:11, fabreeze, 420, stay puft AND diet coke? sounds like you have ALL good luck so far.
miss you!
love the last pictures. sums you up to a t.
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